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Balancing Aspirations Vs Abilities

Scientific approach towards career planning that includes Psychometric Assessments, On-Demand Counselling and Skill-Building for success and happiness.

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Online Career Guidance Solutions

We are all unique and are born with dormant potential. Career planning should be based on a scientific approach using psychometric assessments rather than mere aspirations. Career Guidance is all about balancing the aspiration and abilities of an individual to find the right career choices for an individual. Counsellors should be wary about unscientific approaches when it comes to career counselling as any wrong choice at the early stage would result in a mismatch in the careers and unhappiness in lives.

Career building involves 3 steps: Career Assessments to identify suitable career options, Career Counselling to draft a career plan and finally Skill-Building to prepare students to achieve career goals.


On-demand services for success

Self-guided psychometric assessments, career counselling, skill-building and other services all on one platform.

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Step-by-Step guide for Career Guidance

Our carer guidance process flows a proven approach. We begin with a deep understanding of your needs and guide you through the career planning process.



Multi-dimensional psychometric career assessments to identify the right career choices based on abilities, personality, emotional intelligence, career inclination, etc. The purpose is to identify and highlight the dormant potential of the individual for career planning.


Career Report

Detailed multi-page report with dimensional description for understanding the strengths and areas of improvement. Career Report would provide a clear idea on the suitable career choices. Students could also explore the free Career Information resources.


Career Counselling

One-on-One interaction with a certified career counsellor to discuss the career report and use the CareerDraft® tool to plan the career path. This would also help the student in stream selection, identifying suitable courses, Indian or Abroad colleges, entrance exams and such.



An essential part of the career guidance process is to prepare the student with the necessary skills for assured success in the chosen career path. With clarity on the strengths and areas of improvement, students could pick or customize skill-building courses to meet the career demands.


What our clients say about our design


Career guidance is a holistic approach towards a career. It is a combination of 3 aspects - Career Assessments, Career Planning and Skill Building. It involves a qualified Career Counsellor who would use scientific tools and methods to guide the high school student or a working professional towards their career path.

Ideally Yes. Career Counselling should be part of the academics where students are appraised about career planning and also provided with career resources. In most cases, students are driven by aspirations or parental pressure or not sure about the stream selection or career planning. In such cases it is always advisable to seek professional help.

Career planning takes a collaborative effort between Career Counsellor, Students and Parents. The Career Counselling should be based on the psychometric assessment report. Career Counsellor would help the student to understand their potential and choose suitable career options. Any objections are queries related to courses or colleges would be addressed in the process.

Psychometric Career Assessments are a multi-dimensional scientific approach towards identifying the dormant potential of an individual. These assessment reports would give insight into the student’s areas of strengths to map the suitable career choices. This way we are removing the ambiguity in career planning and the Career Counsellor would use it during the sessions.

We all have aspirations that drive us towards our goals. However high school are sometimes are driven only by aspirations and parental pressure when it comes to Career Planning. On the other hand, we are all born with dormant potential which needs to be identified and used to find out the correct career options for an individual. Through scientific career planning, we could find the right balance between the aspirations and abilities of an individual, be it a high school student or a working professional, to find suitable career choices.

Identifying the right career choices is just one step towards career guidance. Students must equip themselves with the necessary skills to prepare themselves for their careers. Various essential and career-specific skills need to be acquired while being a student so that once students are done with their education they could be ready to enter their careers with confidence. Students who invest early in skill-building would have the advantage in practising skills and gain the advantage over their peers.

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& What you will get:

  • Free Pre-counselling
  • Personal Dashboard
  • Sample Assessment